Friday, June 2, 2023







I rose, albeit SLOWLY, from bed, got myself ready, and was at the bike at 4:55 Tuesday morning.  As we had discussed the night before, the first one out to the bikes wouldn’t wait for the other person but just hop on, start ‘er up, and head out.  That is exactly what I did.  By the time that the clock struck 5:00 I was tooling along I-66.

Right behind me was Brett.  He got to his bike at 5:15 and was well on his way in a blink of an eye.

For me, I covered the first 350 miles before I saw any sun break through the clouds.  Half of that was in a chilly drizzle.  It never rained during that time but for over 150 it continued the drizzle.  In contrast, Brett had chilly temps but sunny skies for his ride.

We both had one little hiccup each during our first leg of the ride home.  For me, I pulled onto an exit about 170 miles into my trip.  I was needing gas AND a little break off the bike.  It was still cold and wet although the drizzle had stopped.  I pulled into what I thought was a Pilot Truck Stop but it was not.  As I was rolling to a stop I twisted my body around to look for the right driveway.  I set my leg down and, SWOOSH, my foot slipped on the wet asphalt.  The bike leaned and that was all she wrote.  I had to set it down…..NOT drop it but just set it down.  I have lifted many bikes over the last 50+ years but I am afraid that my days of lifting an 800 lb bike are over.  I commandeered a truck driver who was kind enough to help this 75 year set the bike up on its kickstand.  I went through the motions of grabbing the bike and lifting with him……HOWEVER……I don’t think that I was helping all that much.

Brett’s hiccup was when he pulled into Somerset, PA.  His shifter broke off.  Luckily, he was able to limp to a Harley-Davidson dealership that was only 2 miles away.  The mechanics there were very, very helpful and had Brett back on the road, probably better than new, in less than a half hour.  As hiccups go….these were pretty minor and cost us very little time.

My destination was Savannah, GA.  I will confess that for a few minutes, I considered riding all the way home.  However, when I got to my exit in Savannah and knew that it would still be another 4 hours…. Soooooooo, hello hotel, my old friend.

Brett stopped for the night in Sandusky, OH.  He heard about “Bike Week” at Mad River Harley in Sandusky so he thought that he would stop there and partake for a little while on Wednesday.

Wednesday is an easy description.  I jumped on my bike at 6:15 and bounded for home.  I stopped for gas just north of Jacksonville and then again a mile from my house.  I pulled into my garage at 10:00 Wednesday morning.

Brett hung out a little in Sandusky for the “Bike Week” and it turned out to be a bust.  Of course, he had just spent a weekend with tens of thousands of riders in Washington, DC so the Mad River Harley event was a bust in comparison.  He took a little detour and stopped in Hell, MI.  He refreshed there for a bit and headed home.  He was home a little later in mid afternoon. 

After my last trip to DC in 2019 I had decided that I would not do it again by myself.  I enjoyed myself but it was missing something being alone.  What a difference it was having someone to share it with.  It was fun, exciting, emotional, and enlightening.  When I returned home on Wednesday after 7 days and 1,700 motorcycle miles I was, to be sure, tired.  But I was also totally fulfilled.  I don’t know how many more trips this 75 year old body has in it but I will take what I can get while I can still get it.  I still have a goal to do a multi-state road trip during my 80th year.  Will it happen?  I don’t know but it is wonderful to be able to think that it will.  Thank you Brett.  I hope that you had as good of a time as I did.  I realize that you most likely would have had a better time with someone closer to your age but I guarantee you that…..I could not have asked for a better time.

And you, readers, thank you for joining me on this adventure.

Until next time…..KEEP YOUR MOTOR RUNNIN’!

Thursday, June 1, 2023





That brings us to Memorial Day.  We woke up to rain.  It wasn’t a hard rain but it was still….wet!.  We headed down to the breakfast area of the hotel.  This was a much different breakfast for us.  We were the only two motorcyclists in the room.  We ate and chit-chatted about the day before.  A few of the people greeted us with a “good morning” or “hello” but no one struck up a conversation or try to match our stories with something bigger-better-faster.  What we did have was the TV.  Since both Brett and I would NEVER think to question what a TV weather person says, we listened intently.  According to the blonde weather guru, the rain should stop by 9:00, be dry as a bone the rest of the day, and be nice for both of us as we begin our rides back home tomorrow.  Try to remember those words as you read on.

We left the breakfast area with the agreement that we would be going back to our rooms to organize, maybe start packing, but most likely trying for a power nap.  We agreed that we would meet in the parking lot at the bikes at 9:30.

Right on schedule we met at the bikes.  Things were wet but, as predicted, the rain had stopped.  After wiping the bikes down we headed out.  The ride was a short one.  We left the hotel lot and crossed over I-66.  A block later we pulled into the METRO parking lot (that’s the subway & transit system for the area).  We went into the East Falls Church station and we each bought a day pass for the system.  Actually, I think that I could have had a free one, however, I will probably never know.  I was staring at the big vending machine to buy tickets trying to figure out which button to push when the attendant said “your ticket is already out”.  Then, the busybody guy at the next machine said “no, that’s not his it was there when he got there”.  The attendant grabbed the ticket and said something about it being a good one but the busybody guy made sure that he made his point by telling the attendant TWO MORE TIMES that it was there before I got there.  The attendant walked away with the ticket and I paid for my ticket.  I really have no idea what that pass was for or if it was any good at all.  It really didn’t matter but I thought it was pretty humorous how that guy just wouldn’t drop it.  Anyway, he was still walking with the attendant while Brett and I happily went through the turnstile to the trains.

We hopped on the next train and rode it for a stop where we got off to change trains.  The second train took us to within a block of the gate to the Arlington National Cemetery.  If you have never been to this massive facility I think that you should put it on your bucket list……I’m not saying that you should see it after you kick the bucket, but before.  Not only is it a massive complex that will stir your emotions but it is also filled with many interesting pieces of history.  I have been to several of the National Cemeteries around the country but none of them has the power of the Arlington National Cemetery.

The first thing you do when you arrive is go through a security checkpoint.  On “normal” days this is a very, very quick process.  On Memorial Day, the process is still quick, however, there is a line to make it through the process.  I was directed to the “fast” line because I carried no bag.  Brett, on the other hand, was sent to the line for old bags.  I was probably 10 people back in line and I watched as each person went through.  They would hold their cell phone in the air, hold both arms up, and walk through the scanner thing….easy-peasy.  They all whipped right through…..until……ME.  I held my cell phone, lifted my arms, went through the scanner, and “wait sir, we want to run the wand”…….TWICE!  I have no metal plate in my head and my knees are original equipment (for now) but, for some reason, I was beeping.  After a couple scans they assumed that I was harmless so they let me through……silly people!  Brett came through with no issues whatsoever.

As we walked through the various sections it was very……hmmm, it was not sad but it was uplifting to know that there were (and are) so many patriots in our land.  There is a lot of talk now days of disaccord in the USA but I would like to believe that we are just as patriotic as we have always been.

We meandered up to an intersection.  We were just in time to see a company of honor guard deploy in formation.  They ceremonially broke off one by one along a vast portion of roadway.  It was very fascinating.  Once each soldier was in position, he/she remained motionless.  Apparently, our timing was perfect because, after being able to watch this very impressive maneuver, they all went to “Attention” and a line of vehicles…..and not just a few…..went by.  The first set of several SUV’s, military vehicles, police cars, and limos was for Vice-President Harris.  Then came a whole new set of vehicles that dwarfed the first set.  In the middle was the limo carrying President and Mrs. Biden.  What struck me, being on the older side of the Baby Boomer Population, is that I remember that wide-open convertible that President Kennedy rode within on that Day in Dallas.  Now, they ride and a closed off limo that could repel some of the strongest rounds.  But I digress, we saw both dignitaries on their way to the Tomb of the Unknown to lay the Wreath.  That gesture and the Wreath is for the remembrance of far too many unidentified souls.  Regardless of your political stand, for me this was an honor for me to watch them going toward such a noble cause.

We moved on through the property taking in the look of the Lee Mansion and the area of the Kennedy Eternal Flame with JFK, the Kennedy Brothers, and Jackie.  We made our way back to the visitor center and wandered through looking at the pictures and reading the historical data.  Arlington National Cemetery is truly a magnificent place.  I will not flatter myself thinking that I could describe it.  However, the fact that it is indescribable is, in itself, a description.

As we left the property, the little gal who was the road guard right outside of the gate stopped us at the edge of the street as we were crossing to return to the METRO.  There we were, at the right place at the right time.  Here come the LONG line of vehicles housing the President and Vice-President and, again, we watched them wave as they returned to the presidential residence.  All and all, it was kind of cool.

We returned to the METRO platform and boarded our train.  We changed trains at the correct place (whew) and rode to our stop at East Falls Church.  We looked for some “deserving souls” to hand our METRO passes to since they were good for the rest of the day…..but we didn’t find any.  There was NO ONE there let alone a deserving soul.

We went to the bikes and pulled out the phones to see where we would go to eat.  First, Brett found a pizza place.  That sounded good and it was only a mile or so away.  Then he said “oh wait, there’s a BBQ place right next to it”.  Ahhhh, BBQ wins.  Off we went with Brett’s GPS guiding our way.  We pulled into the parking lot and……well, crap…..the BBQ place was closed until Wednesday.  That’s ok, there was still the pizza place.  So, we walked the five storefronts in the little shopping strip to the pizza place.  We walked past a little, nice looking restaurant called Maya Bistro.  Yeah, yeah…..we were having PIZZA.  That is until we saw the pizza place.  It had an ordering counter and two little round tables… know the kind, chrome legs and a top that looked like kitchen linoleum.  It took us about two seconds to say..”Maya Bistro wins”.  We went in, found it to be a fine, little Greek restaurant.  We ordered and got delicious meals and wonderful service (and the owner didn’t try to spray our wounds with Windex).

As we finished eating, it started to rain and it wasn’t a light rain.  Apparently, the weather gal that we listened to in the morning forgot to let God in on her forecast.  We stayed in the restaurant for another 20 minutes and the rain went into a light sprinkle.  We were only about ¾ of a mile from the hotel so “what the heck”.

We walked to the bikes and off we went.  We had to go right past the 7/11 near the hotel so we thought that we would top off the tanks so we wouldn’t have to worry about as we left for our respective homes in the morning.  I swung over to turn left and………WHOOSH…….the skies opened up like they had been storing the water for 6 months.  In the 60 seconds that it took for us to go from the street to be under the canopy we had gotten soaked.  We filled up and went into the store to buy some snacks for the evening.  It was still pouring as we returned to the bikes.  We looked at each other and shrugged “what the heck” since we only had 2 blocks to go.  Out we went sure that we would be seeing animals approaching two by two so they could get in the ark.  Of course, as we parked the bikes it went to a light sprinkle.

We said that we would go to our rooms, finish packing, and would meet in an hour or so.  We chit-chatted in my room and, while Brett was still in the room, I put in a call to Lisa so we could all talk.  I was doing some typing and Brett was working on sorting out some of the HOURS of video he had from his two cameras.  Finally, we said let’s load the bikes.  We got the bikes ready to pull out in the morning.  We both said that we would try to leave around 5:00 in the morning.  The deal was that if we went out to leave and the other wasn’t there……we would leave.

With that thought we said our goodbyes as we went back to the rooms pretty sure that we would NOT see each other in the morning.  And that is how our memorable Memorial Day ended.  Tuesday, we leave for home.  We both plan on two days of riding to get home.  Unless there are some dramatic events, I plan to make the last two days one chapter.  In other words, I’ll talk to you again when I get home.  Thanks for listening.